After months and months of tweaking, adjusting, uploading, pulling hair out...the website is finally online! So exciting!

I am really chuffed with how it turned out, but inevitably, expecting there may be some teething issues. So if you find anything a little clunky or counter intuitive, please do drop me a line. And if you spot a typo - please shout too, I have re-read the text so many times, I can no longer "see" it. In fact any suggestions you have for improvement are more than welcome.

Please have a good read and if you want to know a little more about what this website is all about please check out the FAQ section. And if you would like to know a bit more about me please have a quick look here.

I still have lots of work to do - and will be uploading backdrops on a daily basis. In the meantime to view the full selection please stop by and checkout the Etsy Store.

Even if you are just window shopping please do open an account and register for the Loyalty Scheme, you get some lovely points straight away to start you off.

And if you refer a friend, you both get a $5 credit as a thank you for joining my world! To get your referral link, please open your account HERE.

Lastly please dont forget the Facebook groups. There are 2 groups - one is our VIP Group for customers only, and the Sweet Bambini Design Lounge group is a little more general, if you want to chat with others about composite photography. You can post in that group if you have made some composites using the Freebies - I would love to see you share your work.

Please don't forget the You Tube Channel - this will be expanded over the upcoming months, with lots of tutorials to help you on your compositing journey.

Lastly, please look out for new backdrops - I have SO many created already, but it takes time to edit and clean them up and make them ready for use.

The picture below is from a session where I shot some beautiful new backdrops, including some for sitters - something that I have been asked for again and again. All I can say is look out - lots of fun new stuff coming soon!

I am really excited that you are here and reading this - and I hope you enjoy browsing the website & shopping with Sweet Bambini Design!

May 10, 2018 — Maria Murray

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